4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the washcloth "hood".
5. Cut out a piece of coordinating flannel for the hood lining.
6. Pin hood to the flannel on 3 sides, right sides together.
7. Sew the flannel to the 3 sides of the hood.
8. Trim off the excess flannel from around the hood.
9. Turn hood inside out.
10. Fold right sides of washcloth together (flannel facing out) and sew together on short end, leaving the open end at the bottom.
11. Turn hood inside out.
12. Find the center of the long side of the towel and mark with a pin on the back side.
13. Match the center of the hood to the center of the towel and pin together with the open end of the hood lined up with the edge of the towel. (as seen in picture below)
14. Sew hood to towel using a 1/4" seam allowance.
15. Trim any excess lining flannel from between the hood and towel and then sew the seam together to finish.
15. Now you're done and it only took half the steps I thought it would. I guess it seems like more when you're making them. :o)