We had a girls' night at our church on Friday night and we made soaps. My friend Kate came up to help us make castille soap (olive oil) in the crockpot and I bought some melt-and-pour glycerin soaps from Michaels.
The olive oil soap turned out lovely! We made a batch of plain soap and a batch of lemongrass. By the way, lemongrass is a wonderful fragrance and an inexpensive essential oil.
Unfortunately, the melt-and-pour was a disaster! I chose the fancier Natural olive oil and goat milk bases rather than the basic ones. They even had a suspension formula so that your additives wouldn't all sink to the bottom of your soaps. Well, they could not have sunk to the bottom because the soap set up before you even had them added.
Although it didn't go as planned, we still had a great time! But it also meant I didn't take any pictures. :o(
But here is a picture of the soap that you SHOULD NOT buy if you want to try making soaps.

Here are some soaps that I made in the past that turned out great!

Castille soaps