I really let myself go the past few months…
While I didn’t do any actual craft projects, I did accumulate LOTS of stuff for doing craft projects. And to make matters worse, I just let it stack up everywhere! I couldn’t even see what I had, much less find space to work in.
With fall quickly approaching, I knew it was time to get organized. So I moved Will out of his private “office” and into the schoolroom onto my desk and put myself on the work table.
Then Chris built me some shelves in the furnace room for all my stuff. After all, my rule is “If it doesn’t have a home, it can’t stay”. And I just wasn’t willing to give up any more stuff… :o)

So I tackled the job all at once. I can only take so much disaster for so long… And since it only gets worse before it gets better, it had to get done quickly!

I picked up some bins, put everything away, labeled and yes, even got rid of…

And viola! It’s all clean again! Now I wonder how long it will last???