I loved this plaid as soon as I saw it! Green, yellow and chocolate brown… all my favs! I didn’t really consider the fact that I was buying PLAID to make a skirt until it was cut and in my hands. What was I thinking??? I can hardly make a skirt, much less make a skirt and try to match plaids!!!
I felt defeated before I even got the fabric home… Thankfully, I have very encouraging sisters who reminded me that even skirts you buy in the store don’t always match plaids. So I resolved to not worry about matching plaids and just concentrate on making a skirt for the first time with NO help!
I laid everything out, cut out my pieces and began to sew them together, absolutely ignoring the plaids or any matching thereof.
Imagine my surprise when I turned up my waistband only to see that I had matched the plaids on the front panel of the skirt and the front of the waistband almost perfectly! I was so pleased that I actually laughed out loud (for real, not just LOL here on my blog)!
The zipper isn’t perfect and it ended up in the back when I expected it to be on the side, but I am pretty darn proud of the way it turned out and can’t wait to wear it in honor of St. Patrick’s Day!