Thursday, May 2, 2013

Circle Denim Quilt

I was inspired to make this quilt by the rag quilts I have been making lately for our local Caring Pregnancy Center and by the quilt I have hanging in my room.

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife








I made this quilt years ago and still love it!

This quilt is also a terrific way to use up all of those scraps of fabric that you just love! And all of those old jeans that someone has outgrown or now have holes in the knees…circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife First cut out 30 6-inch squares from the denim.

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard FarmwifeThen cut out 30 4.25-inch circles out of 30 different prints. Also cut out 30 strips of 4”x1.5” from each of the prints for your binding.

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife  circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife

Just so they stay put on the denim squares while going through the wash, iron a bit of fusible web onto the back of each circle and then iron the circles into the centers of the denim squares.

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard FarmwifeSew each circle onto the square with a 1/4” seam allowance from the edge of the circle.

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife  Lay the quilt out how you want it to be and then sew the squares together. Then attach the rows to one another to make the quilt front.

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwifethis is my boys’ print quilt

When the front is all pieced together, layer the back, batting and front together and secure with pins, tags or basting spray.

First “stitch in the ditch” between all of the squares. Then quilt a second smaller circle in the center of the circles. I chose to only do every other block.

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife






                                          You can also trace your circles


Now you are ready to do the binding.

Sew each strip together using a 1/4” seam allowance into one long strip.

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife

Iron the seams down in all one direction. (Is that grammatically correct??? It sounds wrong but I can’t figure out how to fix it when I’m so tired… LOL)

You are going to iron the binding in half but not in equal halves. You want more binding in the back than in the front. I folded mine over my quilt to see how much I needed in the front and then finger pressed a bit to get me started.

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife Pin your binding onto the edge of your quilt and sew it on making sure to catch both sides of the binding. It’s pretty easy to do when your sewing on the front and there’s more in the back than the front.

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife









As you wash and dry the quilt the edges of the circles and binding will get that frayed ruffled look like in the quilt from my bedroom.

Have fun!

circle denim quilt tutorial - The Backyard Farmwife