Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gray Owl Skirt

I can’t believe how long it took me to finally make this skirt! I bought the materials clear back in the spring when I made my first skirt… My sister helped me while we were vacationing at the beach in September but we didn’t have time to do the hem. Then it took nearly 6 weeks to find the time between harvesting, schooling, cooking, cleaning, laundering, canning, baking and all that other stuff to find the 37 minutes it took me to put in the hem. When I look at that list it’s a wonder I ever found time but on the other hand it was only 37 minutes…

But, it’s done now and I can’t wait to wear it!

owl skirt 01owl skirt 03

Next up is my Christmas skirt! I have to keep in mind that there are only about 6 weeks until December… AHHHH!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. In your defense, 37 minutes CAN be hard to come by some days (or weeks!) AmyR
