I brought all my sewing stuff with us to the beach so my sister and I could sew while we were on vacation. We got everything set up (which made eating and cooking more of a hastle), but didn't get as much sewing done as we would have liked.

puppy flannels

I also cut and layed out all the pieces for my Going On Twenty quilt I am making for our church Block Party this summer. It is bigger and brighter than I expected, but I think I will like it.

And since it didn't rain on Thursday, I was able to take a "perfect shot" of the shopping bag I finished but haven't posted yet.

Oh, and I got all kinds of great sewing stuff for my birthday. Like purse handles, vintage fabrics and hankies, mum fabric I couldn't get here at home anymore, and JoAnn's gift cards! I don't even know where to start...